sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

2010: Latinoamérica gira hacia la derecha?

En 2005 muchos diarios publicaban "Latinoamérica gira hacia la izquierda" se asomaban las elecciones en México. La crisis de 2008-09 lejos de liquidar al neoliberalismo y las políticas washingtonianas, lo han revivido. Curiosamente en Alemania el Partido Socialdemócrata vive los peores números de su historia, en cambio la democracia cristiana, aliada del empresariado y las clases medias, así como el FDP de los liberales conocido partido de "los bien acomodados" son quienes hasta ahora gozan de saludables porcentajes en la intención de voto.
Según Margolis en América Latina sucede algo parecido, aunque él lo identifica con una nueva tendencia en la región: el pragmatismo. A pesar de que el autor comienza hablando de "mosquito republics", el articulito vale una leída.

La tendencia hacia la derecha no será más bien una huída de los caudillitos iluminados del club bolivariano?

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Latin America isn't tilting left, it's tilting right.

"Three countries in South America—Chile, Uruguay, and Brazil—will hold elections in the next 17 months, and yet in none is the ruling left-wing party favored to win. In Chile, the frontrunner for December's election is Sebastián Piñera, a conservative billionaire and a harsh critic of Bachelet—though less on ideological grounds than for allegedly mismanaging government. Lula is backing his chief of staff, Dilma Rousseff, as his successor, but she has little political savvy and none of Lula's everyman charisma. In Uruguay, the left is pinning its hopes on socialist candidate José Mujica to succeed the lame duck Tabaré Vázquez in the October election, but pollsters expect the conservative former president Luis Alberto Lacalle to prevail in a runoff.

...the Latin American left is no longer what it used to be. Or rather, it was never what it was made out to be. For starters, the back story still trumps parties and ideology: Lula, a former shoeshine boy, and Bachelet, whose father was tortured under the Chilean dictatorship, are wildly popular, but they are personalities who levitate in crowds and float above their parties, which are bloated with fellow travelers. Their magic does not rub off on mere mortals."

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