Christopher Hitchens grita "Bájense de la Nube!!!" y saben? tiene razón....
La elección de Obama no acabó con los problemas ni con los enemigos de los Estados Unidos:
"The objection I make is therefore twofold. First, the election of Obama is the effect not the cause of the changes. (One of my questioners appeared to think that our president-elect had been responsible for the decision in Brown v. Board of Education.) Second, a Republican victory would have had absolutely no effect on the legal or political standing of black Americans, which is a matter of our law and our Constitution and cannot be undone by any ephemeral vote or plebiscite.
The recognition of these obvious points should also alert us to a related danger, which is the cousinhood of euphoria and hysteria. Those who think that they have just voted to legalize Utopia (and I hardly exaggerate when I say this; have you been reading the moist and trusting comments of our commentariat?) are preparing for a disillusionment that I very much doubt they will blame on themselves. The national Treasury is an echoing, empty vault; our Russian and Iranian enemies are acting even more wolfishly even as they sense a repudiation of Bush-Cheney; the lines of jobless and evicted are going to lengthen, and I don't think a diet of hope is going to cover it. Nor even a diet of audacity, though can you picture anything less audacious than the gray, safety-first figures who have so far been chosen by Obama to be on his team?"
The recognition of these obvious points should also alert us to a related danger, which is the cousinhood of euphoria and hysteria. Those who think that they have just voted to legalize Utopia (and I hardly exaggerate when I say this; have you been reading the moist and trusting comments of our commentariat?) are preparing for a disillusionment that I very much doubt they will blame on themselves. The national Treasury is an echoing, empty vault; our Russian and Iranian enemies are acting even more wolfishly even as they sense a repudiation of Bush-Cheney; the lines of jobless and evicted are going to lengthen, and I don't think a diet of hope is going to cover it. Nor even a diet of audacity, though can you picture anything less audacious than the gray, safety-first figures who have so far been chosen by Obama to be on his team?"
Bueno, y esto es algo que ya habíamos discutido, pero vale la pena retomar. Por el sólo hecho de ganar Obama no podrá cambiar nada. Se necesitan muchas otras cosas, que en gran medida no dependen de su buena voluntad, sino del presupuesto, de la voluntad política de otros, de la ley nacional y la internacional, y sobre todo de la realidad. El hecho de que Obama sea Presidente demuestra que los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos no estaban de acuerdo con la política de Bush, que son capaces de renovar su democracia, que después de muchos esfuerzos finalmente nos demostraron que sí era posible que llegara un negro a la Casa Blanca. La elección de Obama deja muchas lecciones nacionales y de valores universales, pero respecto de su administración, habrá que ser críticos, desde el principio. El equipo de Obama se encuentra ahora en la "luna de miel" postelectoral, pero no hay que egañarnos, Obama no tiene experiencia y recibe al país en condiciones muy adversas. Habrá que vigilar su desempeño desde ahora para medir su capacidad de decisión. Habrá que estar pendientes de su actuación respecto de la crisis económica y de las relaciones exteriores, en fin.
Lo que quiero decir es, Obama es un ser humano, es un político jóven con muchas ideas y poca experiencia. La buena voluntad no gobierna.
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