miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

México en crisis. Ciudad Juárez y la guerra.

Impresionante video donde el fotógrafo Juliàan Cardona nos narra junto con sus imágenes, la guerra cotidiana e inútil que se vive en Juárez. A dónde va la guerra de Calderón? Para qué sirven las reformitas del Gobierno Federal?
Los más pobres de los pobres son vendedores minoristas de drogas y son a quienes matan por cientos...

La nota en The Atlantic
The Fall of Mexico
In the almost three years since President Felipe Calderón launched a war on drug cartels, border towns in Mexico have turned into halls of mirrors where no one knows who is on which side or what chance remark could get you murdered. Some 14,000 people have been killed in that time—the worst carnage since the Mexican Revolution—and part of the country is effectively under martial law. Is this evidence of a creeping coup by the military? A war between drug cartels? Between the president and his opposition? Or just collateral damage from the (U.S.-supported) war on drugs? Nobody knows: Mexico is where facts, like people, simply disappear. The stakes for the U.S. are high, especially as the prospect of a failed state on our southern border begins to seem all too real.
by Philip Caputo

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