martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Mi Homosexualidad no es un tema: Westerwelle

El nuevo Vicecanciller y Ministro de exteriores alemán, Guido Westerwelle nunca ha escondido ni hecho un tema el que viva con un hombre. Ello ha hecho que el tema, no sea un tema en Alemania. Sin embargo, se teme que en países donde la homosexualidad sí es un tema y no sólo moral, sino jurídico-penal Westerwelle sufra algún rechazo o situación complicada.
Me gusta que Alemania tenga al frente a una mujer y a un gay y que no se hable sobre su sexo o preferencia sexual como sucedió en Estados Unidos con Obama. Después de todo la igualdad a la que se aspira implica que todos, sin importar razas, religiones, género, preferencias, etc. podamos acceder a un puesto/trabajo por nuestras capacidades. Aquí, apenas y se dice que Westerwelle es el primer Ministro de exteriores gay.
Pienso que el ejemplo de Westerwelle es bueno, su vida es, lo que debería ser siempre, privada.

Aquí una entrevista con el Spiegel, copio solamente lo relativo:

SPIEGEL: You are Germany's first homosexual foreign minister. Is that significant?

Westerwelle: I've been party chairman for almost nine years, and during that time I have also made official trips abroad on a regular basis. There have never once been any difficulties or embarrassments because I live with a man. I don't expect to see that as foreign minister either.

SPIEGEL: Does that also apply to Islamic countries? Some impose the death penalty for homosexuality.

Westerwelle: There are countries in which woman are systematically oppressed. There are countries in which woman are treated in ways that we find outrageous. Nevertheless, the Germans have exercised their right to elect a woman as the head of their government.

SPIEGEL: You aren't worried that you'll be treated disrespectfully?

Westerwelle: No, because I haven't experienced anything like that yet. Besides, it would be a moral failing on our part if we were to impose limits on our liberality because others don't agree with it. I see it as an expression of great social and inner liberality that the fact that I, as a man, live with another man has made almost no difference at all in Germany up until now.

SPIEGEL: The acceptance of homosexuals has risen in Germany. Do you feel that you have contributed to this change?

Westerwelle: I may have contributed to it, but I don't deserve any credit for it. I live my life with my life partner. We don't hide our relationship, but neither do we put our relationship on public display. I do know, from the many letters I receive, that this casual, natural approach has been an encouragement for many younger people who are searching for themselves, or who haven't yet found themselves or who still have fears.

SPIEGEL: Mr. Westerwelle, thank you for this interview.

Entrevista completa, con temas interesantes sobre el approach que Westerwelle dará a la política exterior alemana, así como las políticas que la coalición diseña aquí

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