martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

De qué sirve abolir la Pena de Muerte?

Observen en el minuto 2 que aparecen en orden alfabético los países que han abolido la pena de muerte, queremos quitar nuestro nombre de ahí?

Questions and answers on the DPAmnesty International answers to questions such as “Why does Amnesty International oppose the death penalty?” and “Isn't the death penalty needed to stop acts of terrorism and political violence?” Other questions relate to lethal injection, families of victims, international law and major religions.
Myths on the death penaltyDo executions really provide justice to victims of violent crime and their families? Does the death penalty deter crime?
Facts on the death penaltyCapital punishment is irrevocable. All judicial systems make mistakes, and as long as the death penalty persists, innocent people will be executed.It is also discriminatory and is often used disproportionately against the poor, the powerless and the marginalized, as well as against people whom repressive governments want to eliminate.

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