Pues ayer estaba a punto de apagar la computadora, para mi eran las 21 horas, cuando ví que comenzaba el acto en la Iberoamericana con la esposa del Presidente de Estados Unidos. Comencé a ver que la gente que estaba ahí twitteaba las palabras de Michelle Obama con gran entusiasmo (@warketin @RicardoZamora @alfredonarvaez y otros que veían la transmisión en vivo) Me quedé.
El discurso que pronunció Michelle Obama en el patio frente a rectoria de la UIA fué en verdad bueno, pues logró involucrar a su público: jóvenes. Y es que comprendo que este discurso no fué diseñado para los jóvenes de México en específico, sino en general, pues este es el debut de la tarea de la primera dama de los Estados Unidos en el mundo como promotora de la juventud. Por eso el discurso cobra gran importancia. Desde mi punto de vista, esto es lo que hace falta a México, un líder carismático que nos hable sobre el futuro, sobre la responsabilidad, sobre el trabajo y la esperanza. Sobre lo que necesitamos, lo que hay que hacer siguiendo ejemplos grandes, locales e internacionales.
El discurso de Michelle Obama cae como día de fiesta a un México triste, apesumbrado, con un futuro borroso y un presente rojo.
Por eso vale la pena echarle un vistazo aquí. Vale la pena leerlo y pensar que a pesar de todo, el futuro de México, como todos las naciones, en todas las épocas, está en los niños y jóvenes y por eso es indispensable enfocarnos en ellos: Oportunidades y Educación (sí, con mayúsculas) deberían ser las prioridades del Gobierno.
El discurso está estructurado de forma clásica. Una fase introductoria, donde atrae al público, se identifica y logra el aplauso con una frase catchy; el cuerpo, donde viene la parte fuerte, pausada y seria que es el contenido del discurso, lo que se quiere decir; y concluye con una frase fuerte que resume y cierra la idea.
Michelle Obama abrió su speech con la cercanía de Estados Unidos en México, no sólo por la frontera que compartimos, sino por los valores a los que aspiramos. Michelle Obama ganó a su público hablando español al contar qué pensó cuando debió elegir el país para su primera visita a solas: "México por supuesto" ya echado en la bolsa, habló seriamente a su público, presente física y virtualmente:
Today, we’re seeing what has come to be called a “youth bulge” –- an explosion of the youth population in nations around the world... young people between the ages of 15 and 24 alone now make up 20 percent of the world’s citizens. This is the largest group in history making the transition to adulthood. And the fact is, is that responsibility for meeting the defining challenges of our time will soon fall to all of you....More than any generation in history, you all are able to access information and connect with one another in ways that my generation could never have imagined... You have an unprecedented ability to organize and to mobilize to challenge old assumptions, and to bridge old divides, and to find new solutions to our toughest problems.
-Algo así como chicos, la responsabilidad del futuro está en sus manos. Ustedes tienen las herramientas para lograrlo.
And it is because of this immense promise that I intend to focus my international work as First Lady on engaging young people just like you all around the world...Because we [President Obama and me] know that ambition and ability are found in every corner of the globe. The question is, how do we ensure that opportunity is, too?
-Por eso decía yo arriba, el discurso es un tipo de "inauguration speech" de Michelle Obama.
[l]eaders and governments can’t shoulder this responsibility alone. Ordinary citizens must share the responsibility as well -– and that includes young people.
And it’s not just enough just to change laws and policies. We must also change our perceptions about who can and who can’t succeed. We have to confront the wrong and outdated ideas and assumptions that only certain young people deserve to be educated; or that girls aren’t as capable as boys; or that some young people are less worthy of opportunities because of their religion or disability or ethnicity or socioeconomic class -- because we have seen time and again that potential can be found in some of the most unlikely places.
- La idea muy gringa del God given potential. Oportunidades iguales para todos. Michelle Obama cuenta su historia y la de Obama.
[b]ack when we were young, no one could have predicted that one day we would become the President and First Lady of the United States of America.- Y entonces Michelle da en el corazoncito patriótico de su público (que falta nos hace tener héroes de talla internacional):
And our stories are not unique. They’re the stories of countless young people in Mexico, in the United States, and around the world who’ve worked hard and they’ve defied the odds. They’re the stories of young people throughout history who’ve succeeded not because of their trust fund, or pedigree, or their test scores, but because of challenges that tested and motivated them and made them who they are, and because someone somewhere believed in them and helped them believe in themselves.
When he was orphaned at a young age and sought work as a servant, no one could have imagined that Benito Juarez would one day become one of Mexico’s greatest presidents. But thanks to a Franciscan friar who helped him join a seminary and get an education, he was able to realize his gifts.
- Después vienen Abraham Lincoln, Juana de Arco. Esperen. ¿Juana de Arco? El punto era creer en alguien.
You see, throughout our world history, it has so often been that unlikely hero, that unusual perspective, that improbable journey that has been the key to our progress... [This is]also about breaking down barriers across the globe so that all our young people can learn and work and be productive members of our societies.- Ah pero no crean chavos Ibero que ustedes ya la hicieron. Tienen que ayudar a los demás, a quienes no tuvieron o no tienen las mismas oportunidades que ustedes. Se trata de solidaridad y responsabilidad también.
[i]n order to open up opportunities for more young people –- the truth is that those of you who already have a seat at the table must do your part to make room for others who don’t. Young people around the world must reach out to help others realize their talents and make their voices heard...think, just for a moment, think about the mission statement of this university, and that is to prepare students, and I quote, “to engage in service to others and develop and spread knowledge to achieve a free, fair, united and productive society.”
- Si, la Biblia. Michelle Obama recordó a su público Ibero que:
To whom much is given, much is required.
- Y siguió con tres ejemplos. Imagínense qué hubiera pasado si Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela o la Madre Teresa hubieran sido unos egoístas. La mente de los jóvenes comenzó a girar ANCA? DHP*?. Pero Michelle les advirtió:
Now, I’m not saying that you have to take a vow of poverty or lead a movement. But I am asking you to do something -– whether through your career, or as a volunteer –- do something to ensure that other young people have the opportunities they deserve as well.- Michelle dió reconocimiento a tres mexicanos que se han dedicado a ayudar y dar oportunidades a otros. Alberto Salvador Mariana Vazquez del Mercado, Alberto Irezabal.
Each and every one of these young people is working to break down barriers and to open doors. Each of them is giving others the chances they’ve had to succeed.- Después habló sobre la falta de confianza y de seguridad de algunos jóvenes que no han tenido oportunidades o situaciones de privilegio para forjarse un futuro más prometedor. De nuevo, cuenta su historia.
You have just as much to offer as anyone else. All you have to do is belief in yourself. If you refuse to give up, then there is nothing –- there is nothing you can’t accomplish.- Después, Michelle Obama siguió con uno de los lemas de la campaña de Barack Obama: Hope. Dijo que tiene esperanza de un mundo mejor, más justo, en donde todos tengan las mismas oportunidades y reciban el mismo trato. Y vinieron otras palabras fuertes, que en twitter se multiplicaron:
I hope you’ll think about the young people two centuries ago who risked everything they had for Mexico’s independence. I hope you’ll think about the young people in America who fought to ensure that all citizens, no matter their gender or the color of their skin, were treated equally under the law. You and I, we’re here today because of them.
- Después leyó un email de una trabajadora social en Port au Prince, Haití. Esperanza para recuperar Haití.
Michelle Obama concluyó fuerte:
I hope that every single one of you, and young people across the globe, will take up that work –- the work of helping others in need, the work of building stronger nations and a better world, because if we’re going to tackle the challenges of our time -– if we’re going to make our world safer and healthier and more prosperous and more free -– we are going to need the passion and the daring and the creativity of every last one of you.
We’ll need you to work as hard as you can, and do as much as you can, driven by the belief that has always summed up the spirit of our youth -- three simple words:
Si, se puede.
El discurso fué redondo. Michelle Obama terminó ovacionada como Rock Star, con un público conmovido, energizado y lleno de esperanza. Tal y como hacía Barack Obama en 2008.
Margarita Zavala aprendiste alguito de oratoria? o alguien que llene este hueco vacío en México?
Ah. Las fotos son de Reforma.
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